Shenzhen Huayi Brother Technology Co., Ltd
Product Introduction:
High temperature syntheticheat transfer oil, with extremelylow pour point and kinematicviscosity, as well as the stable chemical structure unique to high-purity single aromatic compounds, endows it with excellent low-temperature fluidity and high-temperature thermal stability, and long expected service life; And it is renewable and recyclable, energy-saving, energy-saving, and emissionreducing. It belongs to the environmentally friendlysynthetic heat transferoil with integratedapplication of medium high temperature/high low temperature.
Recommended operating temperature :
Ø -20℃-320℃
Product attributes:
v Appearance: Light yellow transparent liquid
v density(g/cm³):1.01
v pour point(℃):<-30
v Closed flash point(℃):>160
v boiling point(℃):350
v spontaneous ignition point(℃):≥430
v kinematic viscosity(cts):9.8
v moisture content(mg/kg):≤100
v maximum service temperature(℃):320
v Maximum allowable mold temperature(℃):340
Product safety and precautions:
1)Local normal protection and industrial hygiene regulations related to chemicaltreatment must be followed, and inhalation of thermal decomposition products is not allowed. Avoid skin contact with high-temperature substances.
2)Do not eat, drink, or smoke when using this product.Thoroughly clean after operation. Avoid releasing into the environment. Avoid contact with oxidants such as chlorine, chromic acid, etc.
3)When using this product,you should follow the information and recommendations providedin our chemical safety technicalmanual. Basic preventivemeasures for handling chemicals should also bein place.